Tall Singles Meetup
Tall Clubs International™ Tall Clubs in Canada
Montreal, QC
Club Name: Club des Grands du Quebec Tall Club
Contact: Nathalie Hetu
Email: montretalls@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nathalie.hetu1
Club Name: Sea 2 Sky Peaks
Postal: 147 West 15th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1X8 CANADA
Email: sea2skypeaks@gmail.com Margaret Van Westen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1851869371691301/?ref=group_header
Scholarship program: not this year
Club Name: Tall Club of Toronto
Postal: 12 Rutherglen Road
Toronto, Ontario M4G 1L6 Canada
Email: tctjohnm@yahoo.ca John Magee
Website: http://www.tallclub.com
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Tall-Club-of-Toronto/
Scholarship program: not this year
Tall Clubs International™ Tall Clubs in the U.S.A.
Huntsville, Alabama
Club Name: Rocket City Tall Club
Postal: c/o Brown
398 Clydebank Drive
Madison, AL 35758 USA
Email: rocketcitytallclub@gmail.com
Website: www.rocketcitytallclub.com
Scholarship program: not at this time
Phoenix, Arizona
Club Name: Central Arizona Tall Society
Postal: P.O.Box 61811
Phoenix, AZ 85082-1811 USA
Email: mekotim@gmail.com Tim Meko
Website: http://www.tallphoenix.org
Scholarship program: YES!
Los Angeles, California
Club Name: California Tip Toppers
'Earth's first Tall Club!'
Membership inquiries to Alice Toppen: alicetoppen@sbcglobal.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/californiatiptopperstallclub/
Web page: www.tall.org/california-tip-toppers.html
Scholarship program: YES!
Scholarship Contact, Norene Roxbury: nroxbury@aol.com
San Francisco, California
Club Name: Golden Gate Tip Toppers
Membership Inquiries: Rob B: 916-363-1887
Facebook: Golden Gate Tip Toppers /Facebook
Web page: Golden Gate Tip Toppers
California, U.S.A. (members from various areas)
Club Name: Pacific Tall Club
Postal: c/o Oliver Gruter
1120 Marion Miller
Pahrump, NV 89048
Tel: 925-200-2442
Email: ogruter@yahoo.com Oliver Gruter
Sonoma County (Santa Rosa), California
Club Name: Redwood Empire Tall Club
Postal: Care of Bob Hirsch
1055 Montgomery Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-3024 USA
Tel: 707-483-6228
Email: BOBWVI@YAHOO.COM Bob Hirsch
Web page: Redwood Empire Tall Club
Scholarship program: YES!
Scholarship email: jankowski6@aol.com
Sacramento, California
Club Name: Sacramento Tall Club
Postal: P.O.Box 515
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0515 USA
Tel: 916-469-8255 or 916-HOW-TALL
Email: info@SacramentoTallClub.org
Facebook page: www.fb.com/groups/sactallclub/
Events Calendar: www.meetup.com/sacramento-tall-club/events/
Website: http://www.sacramentotallclub.org/
Scholarship program: YES!
Anaheim, California
Club Name: Tall Club of Orange County
Postal: Shirleen Murphy
8700 Hummingbird Ave.
Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708
Telephone Contact: Susan W. Hopkins at 714-731-2358
Email: 004swh@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TallClubofOC/
Scholarship program contact: Shirleen Murphy smmcnamee@earthlink.net
San Jose, California
Club Name: Tall Club of Silicon Valley
Postal: PO Box 20762 Castro Valley, CA 94546
Email: info8@tcsv.org
Website: http://tcsv.org
No scholarship program at this time.
Denver, Colorado
Club Name: Timberline Club of Denver
Postal: Care of Mike Rudloff
Timberline Tall Club
8200 S. Quebec St., A3-702
Centennial, CO 80112
Email: timberlinejim@yahoo.com - Jim Lancy
Club Email: timberline.tall.club.of.denver@gmail.com
Website: https://timberlinetallclubofdenver.weebly.comtimberlinetallclubofdenver.weebly.com
Naugatuck, Connecticut
Club Name: Southern Connecticut Tall Club
Postal: Care of Frank Ciccone
PO Box 245
Naugatuck, CT 06770 USA
Tel: 203 723 2992
Email: fciccone204@snet.net Frank Ciccone
Web page: Southern Connecticut Tall Club
Washington DC
Club Name: Tall Club of Greater Washington DC
Postal: 131118 Parson Lane
Fairfax, VA 22033-3424 USA
Email: TCGWDC@aol.com Brian Shorb
Web page: Tall Club of Greater Washington DC
Scholarship program: YES!
Southeast Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, The Keys)
Club Name: Florida Skyliners of Miami
Postal: P.O.Box 832401
Miami, FL 33283 USA
Tel: (786)349-7311
Email: cboggs1947@aol.com Clark Boggs
Website: tallmiami.org
Facebook: Florida Skyliners Facebook
Meetup: Florida Skyliners (Meetup)Tall Professionals of South Florida
Fort Lauderdale, S. Palm Beach, Florida
Club Name: Tall Friends of Fort Lauderdale
Tel: Jackie Allen 877-TALL-0511
Hotline: 561-637-8765
Email: homesallen@aol.com Jackie Allen
Naples, Florida
Club Name: Tall Friends of SWFL
Contact: Nancy Dagher
Email: TallFriendsofSWFL@gmail.com
Chicago, Illinois
Club Name: Paramount Tall Club of Chicago
Postal: P.O.Box 316614
Chicago, IL 60631-6614 USA
Tel: 312-853-0183
Email: tallclubchicago@yahoo.com Diane Matthisen
Website: http://www.tallclubchicago.org
Scholarship program: YES!
Scholarship email:ptcscholarship@gmail.com
New Orleans, Louisiana
Club Name: New Orleans Tall Club
Postal: Care of Fred Florek
PO BOX 532
Metairie, LA 70004 USA
Tel: 504-812-2825
Email: mrfred@hotmail.com Fred Florek
Web page: Tall Club of New Orleans
Baltimore, Maryland
Club Name: Baltimore Tall Club
Email: jwalswe@myactv.net John Waltman
Phone: 301-573-3254
Web page: Tall Club of Baltimore
Boston, Massachusetts
Club Name: Boston Beanstalks Tall Club
Postal: Boston Beanstalks Tall Club
P.O. Box 610185
Newton, MA 02461 USA
President: president@hubtall.org
Membership info requests:membership@hubtall.org
Scholarship info requests: scholarship@hubtall.org
TCI Delegate: delegate@hubtall.org
Website: http://www.hubtall.org
Tel: 617-HUB-TALL (617-482-8255)
Scholarship program: YES!
Detroit, Michigan
Club Name: Tip Toppers Club of Detroit
Postal: P.O. Box 700064
Plymouth, MI 48170-0941 USA
Email: lieboldk@comcast.net Kris Liebold
Web page: Tip Toppers Club of Detroit
Scholarship program: YES! Request applications in December. Submissions are Due March 1
Minneapolis/St. Paul
Club Name: Twin Cities Tall Club
Postal: P.O. Box 581091
Minneapolis, MN 55458
Kansas City, Missouri
Club Name: Kansas City Skyliners Tall Club
Postal: Please contact us for mailing address
Tel: 913-777-4333
TCI Contact: Charlene Denner
Find us on Facebook
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kctallclub/
Twitter https://twitter.com/kctallclub
Email: kctallclub@gmail.com
Website: http://www.kansascitytallclub.org/
Las Vegas, Nevada
Club Name: Las Vegas Tall Club
4375 Fernbrook
Las Vegas, NV 89103 USA
Email: tclveditor@cox.net John Morath
Web Page: Las Vegas Tall Club
Find us on Facebook:
Scholarship program: not this year
Central New Jersey
Club Name: Central Jersey Tall Friends
Postal: Care of Karen Brown
32 Woodview Drive
Manchester, NJ 08759 USA
Email: karkar930@gmail.com (Karen Brown)
Website: http://www.cjtall.org/aboutus.html
Scholarship program: YES!
Long Island, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of Long Island
Postal: P.O.Box 1653
Valley Stream, NY 11582-1653 USA
Tel: 718-843-2623
Email: TallClubofLongIsland@nyc.rr.com Arlene Krinsky
Web Page: Tall Club of Long Island
New York City, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of New York City
Postal: P.O.Box 7961
New York, NY 10116-7961 USA
Tel: 212-332-0067
Email: bhanold11@hanoldonline.com Barry Hanold
Website: http://www.tallny.org
Rochester, New York
Club Name: Tall Club of Rochester
Postal: P.O.Box 20197
Rochester, NY 14602-0193 USA
Membership Inquiries: wwallymoon@aol.com Walter Narog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2379635826/
TCI Contact: ephmanbill@aol.com Bill Moehle
Web Page: Tall Club of Rochester
Cincinnati, Ohio
Club Name: High Cincinnatians
Postal: 8195 Windy Harbor Way
Westchester, OH 45069-8177 USA
Tel: 513-290-3453
Email: highcsmail@gmail.com Dave Byrne
Web Page: High Cincinnatians
Scholarship program: YES!
Columbus, Ohio
Club Name: Columbus High Society
Postal: 1419 Virginia Ave.
Columbus, OH 43212
Email: carpenter.8@osu.edu Thomas Carpenter, President
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Club Name: OKC Tall Club
Postal: Care of Nellie Perkins, President
100 Spruce
Yukon, OK 73099 USA
Tel: 405-354-7562 Cell: 405-820-3113
Facebook: OKC Tall Club
Portland, Oregon
Club Name: Portland Skyliners
P. O. Box 713
Portland, OR 97207-0713 USA
Email: PortlandSkylinersTallClub@gmail.com
Website: http://www.portlandskylinerstallclub.com
Scholarship program: Yes!
Houston, Texas
Club Name: Houston Bay Area Tall Texans
Postal: Care of Carolyn Goldstein
1555 CR 2103
Weimar, TX 78962 USA
Tel: 832-867-4297
Email for club info: houstonbayareatalltexans@gmail.com Carolyn Goldstein
Web Page: Houston Bay Area Tall Texans
Scholarship program: YES!
Send scholarship questions to: tcifoundationscholarships@gmail.com
Seattle, Washington
Club Name: Seattle Tip Toppers
Postal: Care of Jerry Phillips
5826 Donegal Ct SE
Lacey, WA 98503 USA
Tel: 206-200-3455
Web Page: Seattle Tip Toppers
Email: jerryleep7@gmail.com Jerry Phillips
VIRGINIA (See District of Columbia)
Madison, Wisconsin
Club Name: Mad Town Talls
Postal: Mad Town Talls
c/o Dave Janiszewski
6404 Crocus Ct.
Greendale, WI 53129-2424 USA
Tel: 414-421-0227
Email: djanisze@att.net Dave Janiszewski
Web page: Mad Town Talls
Scholarship program: YES!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Club Name: Tall Club of Milwaukee
Postal: 6016 N Elm Tree Road
Glendale, WI 53217 USA
Tel: 414-982-5501
Email: tallclubofmilwaukee@gmail.com David Rasmussen
Website: http://tallclubofmilwaukee.org
Scholarship program: YES!
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Singles Meetup Groups Near Me
Tall Passions: New-york Singles. See More Members In Each Search And Any Sites Shared In Common. The site went live back in 2010, and is owned and managed by someone who is 6'7'. The vision is to become the go to dating site for tall single people in the UK. Since starting we have had many tall singles become members and helped them find tall love online.
Meetup Singles Over 50
Tall Passions: Louisiana Singles. Description: Tall women I'm not six feet tall, but I feel comfortable with a tall lady.