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Take free, tried-and-true personality test to identify your Jung, Briggs Myers personality type and obtain its description. Discover career choices and schools suitable for your type. Read more...
Carl Jung characterized people using three criteria:

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- Extraversion - Introversion
- Sensing - Intuition
- Thinking - Feeling
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Isabel Briggs Myers added a fourth criterion:
- Judging-Perceiving
The first letters of the different combinations of the four criteria denote personality type formula. For example:
ISTJ - Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging
Upon completing the Jung Typology Test™ you will obtain your type formula, the strength of each of the preferences and the description of your type. It may help you to identify your lifestyle both in general, and with respect to specific areas of activity. You will also obtain a list of the most suitable career choices based on your personality, along with some educational institutions where you can receive a relevant degree or training. « less
Take free test » 16 types: ENTJ, INFJ... » Type Resources » Español »

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