Latinfeels Success Stories
LatinFeels is a place that can offer you a great experience of dating and communication with Latina girlfriends. It is one of the most popular platforms with girls from this region, so you can expect around 20,000 active Latina ladies on the website. The majority of ladies are from Colombia—it is one of the most popular countries where online. LatinFeels is a place that can offer you a great experience of dating and communication with Latina girlfriends. It is one of the most popular platforms with girls from this region, so you can expect around 20,000 active Latina ladies on the website.
- The benefit of this tool is that you can communicate with several girls at the same time. Also, you can receive responses right away – you do not have to wait for several days. AsianFeels also offers you video and audio calls, just like on Skype.
- Latin Feels Review. Latin Feels is known as both mail order bride site and an international online dating site. The site was established by people who are both professionals and enthusiasts to assist men to find that woman that they want to be with for the rest of their lives.
1.5 mln members worldwide are mostly concentrated in the US and China, Japan, the Philippines. Yet, the number of western male members greatly prevails over Asian female members.
Reportedly, the majority of active users seek exactly long-term relationships, although there are hookup seekers and free travel seekers as well. Heterosexual audience also prevails over LGBTQ members.
Theowner and sister sites
The platform iscreated by the same company that owns the LatinFeels, another popular site forinternational and interracial affairs. Both sites look very much alike and havethe same features.
Yet,EasternHoneys is rated much higher than LatinFeels, and gained more trust amongthe western users. The database of active members is considerably bigger too,so it makes sense to join.
Designand options

The design of EHis minimalistic, with positive coloring that symbolizes great mood and feelingenergized: white, green, orange. It is also associated with healthy lifestyletypical for Asia.
The interface isjust one page for signing in that leads the user to his profile sections. If hecannot use some particular feature due to the lack of credits, he’ll beredirected to purchasing them.
Ratingby the users
In 2020, EasternHoneyshasfairly got the third place among analogue sites in the market. Users list amongits strong sides the communication quality, profile quality, and the simplicityof registration.

There is over athousand of users on the Internet who share their own success stories on EH,and others just don’t declare it and enjoy it quietly. So the site can beclassified as an efficient one.
OnEasternHoneys, signing up is possible only via email address. Some find itnon-modern but others consider it much safer than using personal FB accounts.For now, this option isn’t updated.
There is anopportunity to skip the unwanted questions and pass just 4 steps for finishingthe registration. The profile can be left very brief without a profile photo,but it worsens the results.
Pricingand system of credits
- Openingmessages is free
- Winkingand ice-breaking is free
- Basicsearch is free
- Groupchat is free
- Sendingmessages is Premium (10-30 credits)
- Extendedsearch is Premium
- Photosand videos attachment for credits (10-50)
- Privatechat for credits
- Giftssending for credits
EasternHoneysdoesn’t require the monthly subscription payment, instead, it is credits-based.The payment can be done with one’s credit card or via Paypal. From 20 to 750can be purchased.
Basic searchincludes only main criterions such as age, country, gender.

Latinfeels Success Stories
Extended searchfor Premium members includes a particular city, the presence or absence ofchildren, social habits such as drinking and smoking, and even the user’s ID incase you lost connection.
Keep in mindthat your profile can be viewed by Premium members, free users, and even bynon-users. If it can affect your career or family life, choose to leave theprofile mainly unfilled.
Only VerifiedMember profiles are reviewed the most and getting the biggest response, so thisshould be done, via email. The profile can be filled or edited later, at anymoment after signing up.
MyStatistics section

There is a veryconvenient and beneficial section in the EH user’s profile called MyStatistics. Not all dating sites provide such an option that allows to see theuser’s personal success on the platform.
The number ofwinks, favorites, received and sent messages, all that can be monitored throughMy Statistic section so a user can analyze whether his profile is well-seen andeffective or not.
Directcontact and meeting in person
Once the userspent no less than 3000 credits, he can request his match’s direct contacts andpersonal info for free. The real meeting can be requested for 625 credits, butorganized by the man’s himself.
Latinfeels Success Stories List
The direct contactsare partially restricted for safety reasons. The user will get in direct touchwith his match when they already exchanged a number of messages and know eachother well enough.

The meeting in real is requested via the site with the purpose of increasing the guarantee that a girl will appear in person. If not, she can be reported and consequently removed from the site.
Refundingand guarantees
The sitepractices refunding payments in case they were charged wrongly or the member isunhappy with the results of usage. No more than 4 months should pass from the dateof payment.
The number ofcredits compensated to the user, depend on his activity or inactivity on thesite, the date of credits purchase – no more than 14 days since, faileddelivery, the proven fraud of any kind.
Latinfeels Success Stories -
EasternHoneys isa classical, moderatelyinnovative interracial dating site that is effective forall age and social groups. A big number of success stories allows to rate itfour stars out of five.
Latinfeels Success Stories Youtube
It ismiddle-priced, credit-based, partially moderated by the administrators and hasa strong customer support. By statistics, EH is especially popular in the US,China, and the Philippines.