Edate Site


Our site is committed to publishing independent, accurate content guided by strict editorial guidelines. Before articles and reviews are published on our site, they undergo a thorough review process performed by a team of independent editors and subject-matter experts to ensure the content’s accuracy, timeliness, and impartiality. EDATE is used to calculate maturity dates that fall on the same day of the month as the date of issue. It returns the serial number that represents the date that is the indicated number of months before or after a specified date (the startdate). =EDATE (',2) returns. =EDATE (',-2) returns.

Date Sites Free For Men

Mate1 (now eDate) is closing it's doors in Europe as of May 25th, 2018.We've been very grateful to come along with you on your journey to find that special someone over the last 15 years and we hope to see you again soon!

All Mate1 (now eDate) profiles registered in the EU prior to May 25th, 2018 will be removed from the service and your data will either be removed completely or pseudonymized in our databases. Any subsequent attempts to access Mate1 (now eDate).com from the EU will be redirected to a version of this page. No new European profiles can be registered on the service as of May 21st, 2018.

What about my current subscription?

All active Mate1 (now eDate) subscriptions purchased/rebilled from European customers in the 30 days prior to the regulation taking effect are in the process of being reimbursed to the payment method used at purchase. If you have not already received your refund, please allow 5-7 business days for the refund to process before contacting our customer support team by calling 1-514-907-0015 Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM EST for assistance.


Yes, all of your personally identifiable information including email, profile details, messages and other data will be pseudonymized or deleted on May 25th, 2018. We will retain purchase data for a period of six (6) months before removing this data to ensure all refunds, rebills and transactions are handled appropriately.

Someone says my details/photos/etc are still on the site, how do I report this?

Please contact our Customer Support team at 1-514-907-0015 Monday through Friday 9AM - 5PM EST with details and we can resolve this error.

I'm still getting notifications from you, how can I get it to stop?

We have opted out all European users from our current e-mail & push notification programs. If you are still receiving notifications from us, your profile may be located in the wrong area. Please contact our Customer Support team to resolve this.

Will you offer your services to Europe again in the future?

Never say never.

Check if Edate.com is scam or legit

Last updated 20 days ago Update Now

Potentially Safe

The site seems safe according to this report:

WOT Trustworthiness Unknown (Not Yet Rated)
Domain Blacklist Status Not Blacklisted (0/9)
Website Popularity Good Traffic Volume (#272,400)
Domain Creation Date 24 Years Ago (1997-10-24)
HTTPS Connection Valid HTTPS Found
Domain WHOIS DataFind Who Owns the Domain
Suggested ChecksHow to Avoid Online Scams
User FeedbacksRead Comments

WOT Trustworthiness

The site has not been rated by any user yet.

WOT (aka Web of Trust) is a great community of Internet users that rate websites.

If the trustworthiness rating is too low then the website may be unsafe.

View the website scorecard report on WOT

How do I request a site review?

Domain Blacklist Status

The site is not detected by any blacklist engine

If the website is detected by a blacklist, it may be involved in malware or spam activity.

To find more information on the blacklist report, click the 'More details' link.

To remove the site from a blacklist please contact the blacklist engine.

BadbitcoinNot DetectedMore details
GoogleSafeBrowsingNot DetectedMore details
MalwareDomainListNot DetectedMore details
Spam404Not DetectedMore details
SpamhausDBLNot DetectedMore details
SURBLNot DetectedMore details
ThreatLogNot DetectedMore details
URLVirNot DetectedMore details
VXVaultNot DetectedMore details

Website Popularity

The site is ranked #272,400 on millions of other sites

The Alexa rank is used to measure the website popularity, it works best for US websites.

A rank lower than 500,000 means the site has a reasonable amount of traffic.

Domain Creation Date

The domain name was created 24 years ago.

A domain name created only a few months ago may be a little suspicious to buy from.

A too new website means that almost no one has bought something from it yet.

I would not buy something from a website created less than 3 months ago.

View the complete domain WHOIS information

HTTPS Connection

The website uses a valid HTTPS connection.

A secure encrypted connection (HTTPS) is a must for e-commerce websites and online shops.

HTTPS connection ensures that when you insert senstivie data, all the traffic is encrypted.

An e-commerce website that does not use HTTPS connection is suspicious.

Let's Encrypt offers free SSL certificates.

Hosting Provider

View information about who is hosting the website and the server IP address.

The IP geolocation data is powered by MaxMind GeoLite DB.

IP Address18.211.219.102
Reverse DNSec2-18-211-219-102.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Hosting ProviderAS14618 Amazon.com, Inc.
Location (US) United States
ContinentNorth America

Google Map Location

Locate the server's IP address on Google Map:

Coordinates: 39.0481,-77.4728

Suggested Checks

Some more advices to avoid online scams:

If the price is too good to be true, it is definitely suspicious

Do not insert sensitive information on unencrypted web pages

Check the domain WHOIS information to find who owns the domain

Check the website on McAfee SECURE to see if it is a certified site

RayBan, Louis Vuitton, Oakley, Gucci, etc can't cost $15 USD

Be aware of shop sites that end with .XYZ, .TOP, .CLUB, .ONLINE

Edate Web Site

Search company info and VAT number in the 'about us' web page

Avoid shopping sites that use free emails like gmail or hotmail

Avoid ponzi sites that offer higher return on your investment

Here you can share your experience you had with the website.

Please include also proofs of your experience to better help other users.

Edate Scam

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