Best Country For Tinder Hookups
- Houston, TX Houston has nearly 5% more women than men and is the 7th-busiest Tinder market in the nation, so your odds of hooking up are good. As are the odds that your ride home the next morning.
- Tinder provided data on where users of its new Tinder Passport services are searching for hookups the most, and London, England, ranks no. 1 worldwide in searches, followed by Amsterdam and Barcelona.
Is it “Really” hard to get a Hookup on Tinder?
In 2019, the urge for casual dating has been the reason behind the birth and growth of Tinder.
It even goes by the name of “hookup app” these days.
Country Availability Both Badoo and Tinder are accessible globally. Strikingly, both comprise a majority of subscribers from European countries like the United States. On Badoo, you are free to search for people from other countries.
However, even after knowing what they want, and knowing where they can get “it”, some guys are still not able to achieve it?
It’s Because they don’t know how to get “it”.
To put it more simply, there can be following situations :
- Lack of understanding of the psychology of women on Tinder
- Lack of matches on Tinder (How to get more matches?)
- Under-confidence in their ownpersonality
No matter how bad you look, how under-confident you are, you’ll get that casual hookup, even overnight, if you take action.
It’s tricky to get hookup on Tinder, not Hard. You’ll have to follow certain TRICKS, that I’ll mention later in this article.

You must read this article COMPLETELY to realize the mistakes you were doing earlier.
Trust me, you’ll laugh at those mistakes, because they’re really, really COMMON.
Why is it tricky to get a Hookup?
Girls almost get 10x more matches than guys do.
In fact, this is what a girl’s tinder account looks like after one day of creating it.
After interviewing some of the most attractive girls, I know for a fact that they match with almost 90% of the guys that they swipe right.
However, that is not the case with guys. It’s quite the opposite infact.
To actually succeed in the online dating game, guys have to clear a checklist, hinted by Tinder’s Algorithm and My personal experience.
I’ll cover all the points in this HIDDEN checklist in this article through First hand Interview with one of my Female friends, who uses Tinder Frequently.
Thus, read the article till the end.
I explain how to get all of these done, just the RIGHT WAY, in a step-by-step process.
You can’t blatantly ask for a hookup.
You have to give HINT it in a way that’s attractive and makes her interested as well.
You’ll learn how to give that Hint at the end of this article.
This is what one of female friend told me when I asked, “Do you like hooking up through tinder?”
She said, “I don’t mind doing it if the guy isn’t. In fact some of my best dates lead to it.”
Thus, if you lead the conversation the RIGHT WAY , a girl (Who wants a hookup) will NOT miss out an opportunity to meet an interesting guy.
So let me walk you through How you can you get “it”.
Must Buy : My Comprehensive Tinder E-book (2019)
What should be your Swiping strategy on Tinder?
According to the latest tinder algorithm in 2019, the more active you are on tinder, the higher they rank your profile.
Tinder will show rank your profile higher, if you swipe more often, and chat with your matches more.
In the scenario above, the three men will be Ranked by Tinder as depicted by the Numerical value attached to them.
Infact, some of students in my course have TRIPLED their matches, just by swiping more often on Tinder.
The competition is REALLY HARD on Tinder. Thus, take every advantage you can get from this article.
Even a little tweak makes a big difference in the end result.
What do girls look for before hooking up?
To give you a real insight of What goes on INSIDE a girl’s mind when she is looking for a hookup, I interviewed one of my Female friends who often uses Tinder for Hookups.
Following are the excerpts from my Interview with her :
What do girls look for in Profile pictures for choosing a hookup partner?
My choice DOESN’T depend on “How attractive you are”. It depends on “How attractive you are perceived to be”.
There is a BIG difference between these two.
On tinder, every person you meet with is someone who doesn’t know you or hasn’t seen you before (mostly).
You can easily choose what your first impression in front of them should be.
How to stand out ?
You can show that you love to travel by putting up non-monotonous backgrounds, ranging from seas to mountains.
It will give me a sense that you have an extrovert personality. Girls don’t like introvert guys, who don’t like to explore.
Must Read: Photos that Leverage Tinder’s Tinder Algorithm and Women’s Perception
Should you go Shirtless on Tinder?
Put nudes on Tinder, and I’ll blindly swipe you left. Why?
It’s true that I might be looking for a hookup too. But female hormones don’t work the way you’re thinking.
Your nudes will make me totally UNCOMFORTABLE, given that you’re a stranger to me and mental conscience makes me feel like “I’m just being used”.
I, as a female, would never accept that.
How can average looking guys get hookup?

I would like the photos that focus on guy’s strengths and not weakness. The guy who can put in atleast this much hardwork will clear this point in my checklist.
For instance, a round belly or a Bald head is a BIG TURN OFF for me.
However, being a little fat or Bald is absolutely OKAY for me, if the guy’s smile is real good.
Most importantly, if you have a shaped up Jawline, you’ll surely catch my attention, no matter how ugly your smile is.
And if you’re not proud of your jawline, you can focus on your beard. Get a Thick and neat, Carpet-look beard.
Given below is an example. I didn’t like the aviators though.
How do girls evaluate Bio before hooking up?
I would give MORE IMPORTANCE to your Bio than your pictures, no matter handsome you are.
Girls get 100+ matches within 10 minutes of creating an account. There are TONS of guys with a six pack and 16 inch biceps.
We need something over and above that , that is, Wits. Yes, we need the guy tohave BRAINS, along with a decent physique.
These few sentences in your profile add color to your personality and makes a BIGGER impact than you might realize.
What kind of Bio attracts a Hookup date?
First of all, I wan’t to know your actual PURPOSE of being on Tinder. I can’t simply swipe you right just by looking at your Pictures.
And if your purpose is Hooking up, I don’t want it too come TOO Directly.
I still remember the Bio of a Guy with whom I hooked up through Tinder previously.
You see? Neither too direct, nor too indirect. It just hits the mark. This Bio clarifies the intentions of a hookup, in a non-creepy and a witty way.
What Kind of Bio reduces the chances of a hookup?
NEVER ASK for a hookup too openly in your Bio.
It shows that you don’t want to have a good time with her and just want her body.
No Girl would accept that.
Never show even a ‘Pinch’ of arrogance in your Bio, deliberately or indeliberately.
Girls have their own self respect and won’t swipe you right if they feel insecure about it. For eg. look at the screenshot below :
If you want a Hookup, surely you’ll have to put this attitude aside. On Tinder, Girls are CHOOSERS, not beggars.
What kind of conversation Actually convinces a girl for a hookup?
This one of themost fundamental elements of your tinder game, that gives a massive advantageif you do it right.
Remember, I’ll NEVER message you first, and 95% girls on Tinder are like me. We’ve already got tons of messages in our inbox.
What Should be the opening message?
Don’t send “Hey” or a “Hi”. Want to know why? See yourself.
I WON’T be motivated to even open your Chat head.
What should you do instead?
Firstly, go through the girl’s photos and bio, to find something unique.
Then use that ‘Unique thing’ to compliment her and directly ask her out.
For eg.
Taking “risks” like these is what provides the best results, especially in casual dating.
By “risks”, I mean being quick and clear about what you want (Hookup), but in a subtle way.
Next, Don’t sound creepy right from your first message. I’ll give you an instant unmatch.
Asking for a hookup in a way too direct mannerwill get you unmatched.
Disclaimer : Copy paste openers available on the Web will NEVER fetch you dates, even if though they claim to.
This approach DIFFERENTIATES you from other tinder matches and brings you out as someone who knows what he wants.
How Should guys ask for a hookup on Tinder?
How you approach the conversation on Tinder will determine if the girl will hookup with you or not.
When you’re trying to look for something casual on Tinder, always remember to keep the conversation short.
Your main goal should be to Get the phone number, ASAP.
Longer chats means, the more blended you get with her other tinder matches, and your chances of getting the phone number decrease.
Its much easier to ask for the number, if you start with a compliment, which looks REALISTIC.
By ‘realistic’, I mean that the compliment must be tailor-made for the girl. It shouldn’t be just “you look nice or beautiful”
For eg.
Almost 90% of the girls (including me) will shares the digits, if they are up for a hookup, and your game becomes much easier.
Remember, not to ask for the hookup Directly. You’ll get a straight rejection.
Even if the girl wants a hookup, she’ll never say it outright. We, as girls, evaluate Men on your PERSONALITY too, which we can’t determine over a phone screen.
However, your chances of getting a hookup are HIGH, if you get the Phone number quickly.
My suggestion : Just convince her for a quick date, and let things go with the flow.
So, just be open about your intentions, and drop a little hints here and there.
About a year ago I heard from more and more guys how they get laid multiple times a month without much effort. They said with the help of Tinder they hooked up more times in the last months than they did in the last years.
I tried it out but for some reason Tinder didn’t work for me, I got just a few matches, and it was hard to get even one number after a week. So I tough it was bullshit and deleted the app again.
Until I found a few articles (1,2,3) about the rise of STD (sexually transmitted diseases) within the past few years and that apps like Tinder are mainly responsible for this increase. It affected especially young people between the ages of 15 – 24.
That’s sick, right? One more reason you should always wear a condom. But it also showed me that Tinder seems to work really good, for some people. Why didn’t it work for me? This had to change, so I spend a whole year to find out every little trick that could improve my results.
Today I don’t need more than 30 minutes to find a new girl and get laid with her. To remember everything, I wrote down all the things I’ve found out and summarized it. I tough about publishing it, but it was so powerful that I wanted to keep it to myself, because when everyone is doing it, the effect will fade. However, my brother gave me the idea that I could block people from my country to access this site. Call me crazy but I blocked every country except five. This means more action for me, and luckily you seem to have access so more action for you too.
The Big Misconception about Tinder and Hookups
My first step was to find out what’s going on in their mind; I had to understand the female perspective. The easy way would be to ask girls who are using Tinder “How do you decide which guy you are going to hook up with?”. Unfortunately, most of the time girls can’t explain why they do this or that, especially when her feelings are involved. “It just happened” is the answer you’ll get. Men are primary making decisions based on logic but women make emotional decisions based on how she feels in that moment.
Some of you might think “Sean, why are you talking about emotions, I just want to get laid!”. We tend to think that emotions are only necessary if you want to find a girlfriend and connect on a deeper level and so on. But in reality girls are much more logical when they decide with which guy they are having a relationship than with which guy they want to sleep.
Mistake #1 – Thinking like a man
A guy thinks logically and acts actively with a plan in mind: “I want to hook up with some hot girls and I heard tinder would be the easiest way for that. My plan is to get some numbers, then dates and hopefully she’ll let me fuck her on the first date”. That’s it and I’m sure you were thinking similar.
=> Purpose: Getting laid.
Contrary to a girl, let’s call her Olivia, who acts upon her feelings without a clear intention or plan in mind: “I’m feeling bored and a little lonely… hmm it’s been a few months since I broke up with my ex and I’m single quite a while now. Whatever, the right guy will come eventually. But what if he doesn’t I’m getting older and maybe I’m not so attractive anymore. I should try this Tinder; Ashley said it’s funny, I’ll have some nice flirts and maybe Mr. Right comes along.”
=> No purpose, just motivations like Validation, Entertainment, Romance.
Mistake #2 – Creating a Hookup-Persona
Most think that if you want to get laid on Tinder, you just need to take some half nude mirror-selfies after pumping up in the gym, turn her on with some dirty texts and send dick pics. This might work on Grindr but it won’t bring you much success on Tinder.
When we see half nude girls posting mirror selfies and sending dirty lines, we get turned, so why shouldn’t it work the other way round?
There are several reasons for this:
1. Girls are less attracted to visual things than men.
2. It kills the anticipation and shows that you are too easy.
3. They can get those stuff from every guy, it’s not exciting like it is for you.
4. It makes them lose trust because they know that you send this to every girl.
Mistake #3 – Making her feel like a slut
Tinder is known to be a Hookup App, but that doesn’t mean you can treat girls like prostitutes. No girl wants to be a slut, even if she had over 20 sex partners, she wouldn’t want anyone to see her as a slut. It would mean she’s cheap, guys would treat her with less respect, and if they spread the word about her, she would lose her face in the society.
The funny thing is, no matter how many hookups she already had, she will never admit being a slut. She doesn’t even confess is to herself most of the times.
What does this teach us? Avoid everything that makes her feel this way! This includes sending dirty lines or photos upfront, trying to arrange a sex-date and talking about sex too early.
Mistake #4 – Not understanding female sexuality
She will probably end up getting laid because girls love having sex with different partners as much as we do. But it’s a little more complicated, here’s what you need to be aware of:
- Getting laid is not her primary intention. The number of girls on Tinder that are actively searching for someone to fuck is low. Most of them just want to meet a few guys, have some fun and see where things are going.
- Trust and comfort are required. In order to get seduced, she needs to let loose and feel comfortable with you. Built trust by removing her main fears like being judged, meeting a weird person or getting raped.
- The foreplay begins before the date. Male arousal is like a light switch, it’s either on, or off. Female arousal is more like a volume knob. It’s an evolving process, and she needs to be warmed up before it gets dirty.
Mistake #5 – Thinking that girls who dress sexy are easy
A very helpful and time-saving skill that you need on Tinder is being able to filter girls. Let’s assume you’ve got a match with a good looking girl, there are three categories she can be placed in.
- Attention Whore: These girls are stealing your time. It’s easy to fall into their trap because they often dress sexy and look easy. However, it’s difficult to get them on a date because they use Tinder mainly to get validation and to be entertained.
- Girlfriend Material: There are also a lot of girls on Tinder, who are looking for a serious relationship. There are little clues that help you differentiate between hookup and girlfriend material.
- Hookup Material: The famous “Not looking for hookups” in her bio doesn’t mean anything. It’s the result of mistake #3, a protection of her ego because she doesn’t want anyone to think she’s a slut.
Now you know about the most common mistakes and got a view into the female mind. This should help you to get a better understanding what’s going on. Next I’m going to show you how to do it the right way, let’s start with the opening:
How to avoid her Spam-Filter
Olivia starts using Tinder the way I described it in mistake #1 and within a couple minutes she swipes right on a guy who seems to be attractive. It’s a match! Yay.. then the next one, another match. This continues with every guy she likes until she has about ten matches. Most of them have already written “Hey”; “How are you?”; “You’re so beautiful!”..
So many chats that need to be answered. What starts as something fun, quickly becomes stressful. In order to avoid the stress, her mind turns into a spam-filter, just like your email-inbox. Within seconds, she filters out all the crap by simply ignoring it. In her case, these are all of the boring and creepy messages. It’s different for each girl, dependent how many guys she matches with and how willing she is to have a conversation. On average at least 80% of all texts will be ignored to concentrate on the ones who seem to be interesting.
How do you write a message, which captures her interest? There are five ways how you can create a successful Tinder line yourself. In order to help you remember them, I divided them in the following parts:
Personal. Give her the impression that you are interested in her as a person. Writing her name is one step in the right direction. Take a closer look at her bio and each of her photos, is there anything unusual or interesting? Bring up something about it. Try to guess what type of person she is and make statements about her. It doesn’t matter if you’re right, even if you’re completely wrong, it gives you something to continue the conversation with.
Entertaining. Girls just wanna have fun. Be playful and funny, a laugh is always beneficial and makes it much easier to proceed. The hottest girls are not desperately searching for a boyfriend. They use it for entertainment, it’s your job to get them attracted. Pro-Tip: Make up a short story or a joke about her, but be careful it can easily backfire if she is sensitive and you cross her line.
Nifty. I made sure that the pickup lines, which I’m going to give you later on, are not popular yet. You don’t want to use a line that she has already read before. It won’t work, it’s lame and she probably won’t answer, because she will feel like one of many. The easiest way to be unique is to …
Irritating. A direct opener would be “You look really sexy in that dress”. She instantly knows what you mean and that she can have you anytime. If you say something like “You look like trouble”, it makes her think for a moment, why you said that about her and whether it’s a good or bad thing. This way you catched her attention and she is much more likely to reply.
Short. Don’t write more than two sentences in your first message. Many guys are writing her, therefore girls on Tinder are lazy and have a short attention span. If your opening line is too long, she won’t read it. You can increase your effort, after she proves that she is worth it. For an attractive guy she is just another pretty face, so keep your value.
I guess you noticed it, if you don’t: read the first letters of every point. Together they create the word P.E.N.I.S. I’m sure that will make it stick. So next time you write a girl on tinder, just remember the P.E.N.I.S. – Opening Method.
Now you got all the knowledge you need to create your own opening lines. This way you can be absolute sure, that she has never heard them before. However, if you want something that you can use right away, here are some of the best hookup lines. Use them to start a conversation on tinder especially if you want to get laid.
Tinder Hookup Lines – 5 Examples that help you get laid
All the advice in this article is proven to work, primarily because most guys are clueless, so it gives the ones that know about it a great advantage. A few thousand men are reading my free tinder articles every day so to keep the advice powerful, I have to limit the number of people who are using the tips.
That’s why the following part is only for guys, who like us on Facebook or Twitter. Don’t worry this article will not appear just the SoulmateSystem.
Thank you for liking us! Here are the hookup lines:
- Do your parents know your using Tinder?
- You must have driven your parents crazy.
- You look like trouble!
- My mother warned me about girls like you.
- You look so shy and innocent but maybe I’m wrong?
5 are not enough? Here are some bonus lines:
- We would never get along
- We could never date. It would be just fights and make up sex
- You are either the coolest girl on Tinder or a fucking weirdo!
- I know that beautiful smile, you are totally evil.
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